Quick Info

Full/Other Names: Sapphima; Saph; Sapphy

Species: sedantha

Age: approx 28

Height: 6'6" / 198cm

Pronouns: ze/they/ae

Pronunciation: Saf - ee - mah

Gender: Nonbinary

Sexuality: Bisexual

Interests: Plants, stars, painting, music

Similar characters: Garnet, Kyoshi, San

Other Notes: Telepathic.


Very quiet. Ze can read minds and communicate telepathically. Generally avoids others. Notices little things about their crewmates.

Rarely talks about zir past. Their species is generally solitary, so little is known about them. They worry about their friends constantly.


Marsyn - Partner

Very flirty with them. Ze knows it flusters her and loves it.

Vinash - Friend

The two of them were the founding members of the crew.