Quick Info

Full/Other Names: Wisteria Aoki; Teri

Species: ghost

Age: 16

Height: 5'4" / 163cm

Pronouns: they/she/he

Pronunciation: Whis - teir - ee - uh

Gender: Apogender

Sexuality: Demiromantic ace

Interests: Drawing, ghost stories, cute stuff

Similar characters: Sadie Kane, Satsuki Kusakabe, Chara Dreemur

Other Notes: Nonverbal autistic.


Absolute sweetheart. Despite his inability to speak, she's very extroverted.

He was born in Kalos and primarily raised by his mother after their parents' divorce. When they were young, they were in an accident while out playing. She has no memory of it, and is now a ghost. They moved in with their dad at age 12 and are much happier with him.


Nell - Partner

The two of them met as kids and became very close. There's really no difference between their romantic and platonic relationships.

Oliver - Friend

They treat each other like siblings. They're very friendly.

Balete - Friend

They're on opposite ends of the same spectrum (the autism spectrum).

Larry - Dad

She was always a lot closer with him, and is very happy to be living with him.

Hassel - Mentor

He's his favorite teacher.

Brassius - Mentor

His manic energy has rubbed off on them. They're the only one who can bother him when he's having a manic episode.